Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Jay Wolf's Star Shooter

Jay Wolf's Shooting Star

Basketball fundamentals are commonly overlooked now days in order to sell flash and style. I can name about 10 NBA all star stars who can't even hit a jump shot on a regular basis (I'm looking at you Ben Wallace). Well shooting coach Jay Wolf took it into his own hands to make that easier to rectify.

Now let me start off by saying there's TONS of shooting aids on the market. All make the same claims they can turn any kid into Ray Allen. And while they help, few helped as fast as Jay Wolf’s SHOOTING STRAP did with me. As a college player and even when I trained with the NJ Nets, I always had good form on my shooting hand, so most aids didn't really effect me in a positive way. They became more of a hindrance that made my shot awkward. The SHOOTING STRAP though wraps on the off hand instead which made a immediate difference. First off the STRAP wraps around your off hands forearm and loops onto your thumb. This set up stops your thumbs from pushing the balls off center during your release, something most people do without realizing. Secondly by isolating your shooting hand to this extent, it makes it even easier for the shooter to realize their mistakes upon release. Only having one hand to worry about, you can correct your arm and stroke faster just by how the shot comes off your hand. I'll admit the first day it threw off my shot to where I couldn't hit anything but once getting past the learning curve it became a fluid motion even after I took the strap off.

I've accepted I'll never be Ray Allen from the 3 point line, but the SHOOTING STRAP defiantly made me more confident in my shot. While you can do form shooting for hours right under the rim, it's harder to form shoot on jump shots and off the dribble. With the SHOOTING STRAP you can and instantly see results just by dissecting your own release. So like me even if your not Ray Allen, eventually people will learn not to leave you wide open anymore. Its a good investment for any player on any level.


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