Friday, October 14, 2011

SPORTIQUE: Man Perfected Natural Body Care

"Cleanliness is next to godliness" This ancient proverb is said by many but followed by very few. Nowadays while companies are trying hard to "man up" most body sprays and shampoos, the lotion and creme market is still pretty bland. You either smell like a sore 90 old person if you use pain relief cream or throw on some lotion and smell like cucumber grapefruit before your night on the town. I don't know about you, but as a man and a top level athlete neither really works for me. I'm guessing it didn't work for the designers of SPORTIQUE either.

SPORTIQUE sells itself as "Man Perfected Natural Body Care" and for all intensive purposes they have defiantly set the bar high. After reaching out to them they were kind enough to send me a few samples. And by samples, as you can see in the picture, they sent enough for me to start a small boutique in the mall. Trust me though, I'm not complaining because from what I've used their products work. And work well at that. I have not had a chance to test them all but did manage to try a few hand creams and pre/post work ointments from the line. The hand cream is rich without being greasy. The Shea butter goes on smooth and rubs right in. I even used it on my new tattoo being that they are all natural ingredients. The shaving oil is great and a little goes a long way. It moisturizes the skin and since it's oil you don't have to keep reapplying like you do with foam creme. The Warming Up creme was actually very impressive. A client of mine had a ankle bruise from a soccer game. Real nice black and blue shiner. So figured I'd try it and just have her rub some on. She didn't know what it was but agreed. The very next day she text me asking what it was since the discoloration in her ankle was pretty much gone. She even went as far as asking if it was some miracle creme. Now while I wouldn't go THAT far, you can't argue with the results. Same goes for the Get Going Creme that you Use prior to intense physical activity to loosen up or, soothe and invigorate.
The SPORTIQUE line is very upscale products that men won't mind using and women will enjoy it when they do. The scents are relaxed without coming off too metro or over the top. Each one is loaded with clean botanicals such as lavender, aloe, almond and all kinds of other great skin promotions oils. Even the containers, while basic, have enough style for a man to feel comfortable using. My only complaint is some of the containers aren't flight size friendly with these new airport rules (I learned first hand) but that's more nit picking than anything. I'd recommend them to anyone looking to bring a new element to the hygiene table. Also if you are someone like me who likes the peace of mind that your skin care products are natural and organic while still doing what it was supposed to do, keeping your body looking and feeling good, then SPORTIQUE is the way to go. Just don't share it too much or your friends might fall in love and you'll never see it again. I recently learned that first hand too.
GET IT! Chances are you care about your hygiene (if your over the age of 9 you better start) and probably spending money on body care products anyway. While the products may be alittle pricey, their well worth it in that "you get what you pay for" sense. I'd definitely recommend the Joint & Muscle Gel, Warm Up Cream, and the Century Riding Cream although all of the products seem to work equally well so if you can get, get them all.


Anonymous said...

I have used Road Rash Remedy for over a year after getting a sample at a century ride. Use it on any irritation or rash, even in sensitive areas and get immediate improvement. Nice subtle smell, not greasy. I bought some other stuff and I am a cheapskate.

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