Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Chapfix: A man's chapstick


I feel kind of funny reviewing chap stick on a sports/fitness site but this product makes it worth it. On the market today there's pretty much two main kinds of chap sticks. Glittery girl raspberry ones with unicorns or lip stinging medicated ones that smell like moth balls on your lips. As a guy neither of those are appealing or manly. In comes Chapfix to "fix" the issue (see what I did there? Clever I know).

Chap fix comes in a small sleek black container. And when I say small, I mean SMALL. My computer memory stick is larger but not nearly as cool looking. But the case itself is limo black with beveled sides, kind of like if chap stick cases could be steel plated and tinted out. So, super manly right off the bat. It's got a little knob at the bottom to raise and lower it but it's so well fitted you might not even notice it at first. Then there's the taste which important because I don't care how cool the case is if it tastes like dirt. Well no worries there either because it tastes delicious (is delicious a manly word?) The ones I received we're mint, and while you do taste the mint, it's not overbearing or offsetting. Also, it goes on smooth without feeling oily or like lip gloss plus it stays on for a decent amount of time. I gave out a few and every single person liked it which is always a good sign and will make promoting easy for this company in the long run.

Chapfix is a cool little item. Sure it's small enough where I'll probably lose 6-7 of them, but with the trendy dispenser and silky non glitter appliance, it's defiantly worth it. I mean just because you're manly doesn't mean you shouldn't have nice lips. And while I'm hyping up how manly suave it is, ladies don't feel left out because if you buy it for your husband or boyfriend, you can easily buy one for yourself and enjoy. Chapfix will be launching at every Walmart at the checkout area mid-October and if the reactions I got were any sign, they will be flying off the shelves.


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