Wednesday, October 05, 2011

FIRSTAR Compression Shirt: the next big thing.

FIRSTAR Sports Shirts

As everyone knows, I'm a under amour guy. Tops, shorts, hoodies, even ones that haven't come out yet, I have. I literally have two draws of just UA workout tops.Well those tops might be making room soon because FIRSTAR may have stolen some of the spotlight.

I contacted FIRSTAR about the compression shirts after hearing through the grapevine about them but not knowing much detail. I assumed it would be another Kmart type compression shirt jumping on the trend. I couldn't have been more wrong. Putting the T3 on you notice it's a lighter material than most compression shirts which is always a plus as long as the material is durable. Being that FIRSTAR was originally made for hockey players (it's a Canadian company ah) you know the material is meant to last. Now some confusion came after getting the shirt on as it wasn't as "compressed" as I expected around my upper back giving me a weird bat man cape look. After pulling on the shirt a little and lining it up better, it was form fitting and had a nice feel to it. At first glance, it passes the looks test with nice colors and smooth seams that don't restrict any motion, a issue most compression shirts seem to overlook. Also the way that the seams are done around the shoulders, the fabric has give where most outfits would pull. If I shoot a jump shot or do a shoulder press FIRSTAR gives me free range while my lovely under armor pulls up the rest of the shirt making it uncomfortable and constantly needing to be pulled back down or worse changing my form . FIRSTAR 1 - UA 0..The next step was to see how it held up in a workout setting. Now I'm no hockey player but I assume they don't sweat a lot on the ice but me ( I was later corrected that their actually pretty sweaty guys), but I sweat like Shaq. This is where FIRSTAR really raises the bar. While my face was dripping with sweat, my body felt perfectly dry. Always a big concern of mine was how if you sweat in most compression shirts, the shirt shows the sweat. But not FIRSTAR. After a hour workout and basketball that had my face dripping, the shirt was almost dry to the touch and "cold dampness" at very worst. No huge wet sweat mark, no body clinging sweaty shirty. When I got home it was already basically good to wear again. You can tell they really put effort in how to handle moisture when designing these shirt.

FIRSTAR impressed me. What I expected to be pretty much another basic compression shirt turned out to be my new go to shirt on intense workout days. With its free range of motion and amazing moisture control, I like it so much I might even get some for my training staff to wear as uniforms. So when you get a chance, head over to FIRSTAR and get your self a pair before other people find out and they start getting pricey.


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