Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Is your supermodel diet holding you back?

When talking to people, there's usually a common question I get about training..."what should I eat?"

Most people think if they don't eat that's a quick way to burn calories when in actuality that hurts your results. Sure you might lose some weight at first but what kind of weight? Chances are your losing muscle mass instead of the fat you want to get rid of. How? Simple, your body needs energy to function. Usually it uses your excess calories as the energy. Now if you stop eating, your body holds those calories and looks for a new sorce of energy, the protien meant to feed your muscles. No protien? Bye bye muscles. Think of it like a bear hibernation in the winter. Their bodies hold onto the fat so they can survive and burns off everything else. Which is why bears get reaaaal fat.

5 small-average sized meals a day is still the way to go. By eating on a regular but moderated basis, you never get overly hungry therefore you don't have the urge to oink out and over-eat later.


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