Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Pounds..

No I'm not talking about a shorter sequel to Will Smiths movie 7 pounds (although any will smith movie is a good plan), I'm talking about a diet. Yes, I know the dreaded diet word leads people to think of having to drink only water for 3 months (dumb), Never eating after 6 pm (dumb), or even the old grapefruit diet...No, I'm giving you a simple diet that will hopefully help you lose 5lbs in a week if you stick somewhat close to the routine AND workout. Keywords "AND WORKOUT". If you watch any infomercial in small print it says "results are not typical. Must be done along with diet" So if your working out and not seeing results, try adjusting your diet. That doesn't mean go all super model and only eat half a cracker, which a lot of women assume. Just tweak things like a chicken salad instead of a burger. Use this mix-and-match 1,200 calorie plan for 7 days, taking your pick of means and snack. Pair it with a workout and you should see results in just 7 days. But anyway, here the plan;



1) Salmon, Bagel and a small orange
2) Eggs, Sausage and 2 pieces of melon
3) Oatmeal, Almonds and a fruit (strawberries, blueberries etc..)


1) Large Chicken Salad and fruit (3 Ounce chicken)
2) Tuna Salad(1 can, add salsa or something if you like) and grapefruit
3) Grilled pork chop (3 Ounce), steamed asparagus, and half a baked potato
4) Salmon (3 Ounce)
5) Grilled Steak (3 Ounce)
6) Chicken Wrap (2 ounces of chicken)

- Pear with string cheese
- Corn tortilla with black bean dip
- ½ Cup of sliced strawberries with ½ cup of nonfat yogurt
- 3 cups of plain popcorn
- Trail Mix (2 tbs almonds and 3 tbs raisns)
- ½ Cup baby carrots with 2 tbs fat free veggie cream cheese
- ½ Cup cottage cheese with fruit.

Now I’m kind of specific about the meals and I know some people aren’t going to be able to make certain things but you can always google recipes online or swap in a similar food but try to stay close to the plan. Now obviously also keep in mind moderation. You could eat the healthiest food in the world, but if you’re eating 5 pounds of carrots, its still access calories. So eat slowly and focus on potion size. This along with a workout/cardio will help speed things up.

This plan works fast but I wouldn’t use it for more than 4 weeks in a row. Just like when you workout, switch it up every 4 weeks. For men, since its a 1,200 calories diet and most men need more calories in general, switch all the half cups to 1 cup.


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