Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are you a Point Guard or Shooting Guard?

Now the more and more I work with high school guys and some college guys I'm coming across one OBVIOUS THING....PEOPLE DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY POINT GUARD ANYMORE! First off, being the shortest guy on the team does not automatically make you a point guard. If someone bigger can dribble better and distribute let them take it. Second, if your always looking for your shot...your not a point guard.

As a point guard, your job is to;

A) Be an extension of your coach while on the court. You should be the leader and guide your team the same way as if your coach was playing.

B) Set your teammates up for the MOST EFFICIENT scoring opportunity. Look at Steve Nash, can’t play a lick of defense but is probably the best in the game at setting up his teammates in the best position to score.

C) Keep your head up and know how to run a fast break. Nothing is more annoying than being WIDE open down court but the kid bringing the ball up decides to keep his head down and try to dribble through everyone. Not only does it risk a turn over, but you’re WIDE OPEN. And like B), you’re looking for the easiest, most efficient points. And what’s more efficient than 1 pass and a wide open lay-up. Almost every pee wee league practice the 3 man weave but no one seams to know what to do during a game.


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