Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Up late and hungry? Try frozen fruit. Frozen fruit works because it tastes kind of like candy, and it’s healthier than reheating leftovers or giving into buckets of Ben and Jerry’s not to mention simple to make. Go to the store, buy some blueberries or strawberries or raspberries (pretty much anything with berry in its name), dump them in a cup (bout the size of your typical party cup) and put it in the freezer. Give it about an hour and boom, a healthy midnight snack. To save time do this in the morning so their ready at late night and if you want to spice it up, eat them with a handful of walnuts or almonds.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are you a Point Guard or Shooting Guard?

Now the more and more I work with high school guys and some college guys I'm coming across one OBVIOUS THING....PEOPLE DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY POINT GUARD ANYMORE! First off, being the shortest guy on the team does not automatically make you a point guard. If someone bigger can dribble better and distribute let them take it. Second, if your always looking for your shot...your not a point guard.

As a point guard, your job is to;

A) Be an extension of your coach while on the court. You should be the leader and guide your team the same way as if your coach was playing.

B) Set your teammates up for the MOST EFFICIENT scoring opportunity. Look at Steve Nash, can’t play a lick of defense but is probably the best in the game at setting up his teammates in the best position to score.

C) Keep your head up and know how to run a fast break. Nothing is more annoying than being WIDE open down court but the kid bringing the ball up decides to keep his head down and try to dribble through everyone. Not only does it risk a turn over, but you’re WIDE OPEN. And like B), you’re looking for the easiest, most efficient points. And what’s more efficient than 1 pass and a wide open lay-up. Almost every pee wee league practice the 3 man weave but no one seams to know what to do during a game.

Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Pounds..

No I'm not talking about a shorter sequel to Will Smiths movie 7 pounds (although any will smith movie is a good plan), I'm talking about a diet. Yes, I know the dreaded diet word leads people to think of having to drink only water for 3 months (dumb), Never eating after 6 pm (dumb), or even the old grapefruit diet...No, I'm giving you a simple diet that will hopefully help you lose 5lbs in a week if you stick somewhat close to the routine AND workout. Keywords "AND WORKOUT". If you watch any infomercial in small print it says "results are not typical. Must be done along with diet" So if your working out and not seeing results, try adjusting your diet. That doesn't mean go all super model and only eat half a cracker, which a lot of women assume. Just tweak things like a chicken salad instead of a burger. Use this mix-and-match 1,200 calorie plan for 7 days, taking your pick of means and snack. Pair it with a workout and you should see results in just 7 days. But anyway, here the plan;



1) Salmon, Bagel and a small orange
2) Eggs, Sausage and 2 pieces of melon
3) Oatmeal, Almonds and a fruit (strawberries, blueberries etc..)


1) Large Chicken Salad and fruit (3 Ounce chicken)
2) Tuna Salad(1 can, add salsa or something if you like) and grapefruit
3) Grilled pork chop (3 Ounce), steamed asparagus, and half a baked potato
4) Salmon (3 Ounce)
5) Grilled Steak (3 Ounce)
6) Chicken Wrap (2 ounces of chicken)

- Pear with string cheese
- Corn tortilla with black bean dip
- ½ Cup of sliced strawberries with ½ cup of nonfat yogurt
- 3 cups of plain popcorn
- Trail Mix (2 tbs almonds and 3 tbs raisns)
- ½ Cup baby carrots with 2 tbs fat free veggie cream cheese
- ½ Cup cottage cheese with fruit.

Now I’m kind of specific about the meals and I know some people aren’t going to be able to make certain things but you can always google recipes online or swap in a similar food but try to stay close to the plan. Now obviously also keep in mind moderation. You could eat the healthiest food in the world, but if you’re eating 5 pounds of carrots, its still access calories. So eat slowly and focus on potion size. This along with a workout/cardio will help speed things up.

This plan works fast but I wouldn’t use it for more than 4 weeks in a row. Just like when you workout, switch it up every 4 weeks. For men, since its a 1,200 calories diet and most men need more calories in general, switch all the half cups to 1 cup.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nutrition Tip - Spray on the Oil

Spray on the Oil to Cut Calories:

If you’re trying to lose weight, you should be aware that the oil you use for cooking can heap on the calories – typically over 100 calories per tablespoon!

Here are a couple simple steps you can take to minimize the amount of oil you use:

-Use non-stick pans.

-Put your oil in a mist spray bottle and give the non-stick pan a couple quick squirts before cooking. If you feel the dish you’re cooking needs the oil for taste, you can spray a little extra oil onto the food before eating.

What are your tips for cutting down those unwanted calories???

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fit Tip - Break Down Your Goals

:Break Down Your Goals to Break Down Barriers:
Do you have a goal to lose 25 pounds during the next three months but aren't really motivated?

This is typical. Don't panic, there's plenty of hope! Take it slow. For instance, if your goal is to lose 25 pounds, start with a short-term goal of two pounds during the first week. Small decreases in your weight can change how you feel and how your clothes fit. Let the smaller successes early on spur your motivation and momentum.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

3 Basic Tips

Now these are all super basic tips that every person/trainer should know but all the time at the gym I see people doing it wrong and it killlls me.

Here are three strength training safety tips:

1. When doing leg exercises, always keep your knees in alignment with your toes.
(Example: When doing squats, lunge variations, leg press etc...)

2. When using the barbell, always place your hands the same distance from the center of the bar.
(Example: Benching, rows etc...?

3. Never twist or bend your spine excessively; this can cause lower back problems. This one is REALLY important.
(Example: DEADlifts, back extensions, russian twists, good mornings, etc..)

Almost every exercises/program is safe, but you have to focus on form first. Benching 400lbs is pointless if you have bad form and rip up your rotator cuff. Deadlifting is great with good form,and with bad form you can give yourself a hernia.
Form is key

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Infomercial fitness: B.S as seen on TV

Experts say all infomercial machines are not created equal. Some are mere gimmicks, some actually work. But targeting one area, such as the midriff, is no way to get fit or lose weight.

"These ads communicate to the public the flawed notion that spot reducing is possible," said Jessica Matthews of the non-profit American Council on Exercise (ACE). "Research has shown that's not the case."

She added that a well rounded program includes cardiovascular work and strength training of all the major muscles, not just the abdominals.

"The more muscle mass we have the more efficient our body becomes and that's when we start to lose body fat so we can see that definition," Matthews explained.

And those buff and smiling TV exercisers?

"The ads say that if you want six-pack abs, spend 10 minutes a day using this equipment," she said. "Those people are not just doing 10 minutes a day."

Matthews cited an ACE-commissioned study that concluded you don't need to purchase a piece of exercise equipment to strengthen your abs.

"The abdominal rollers and rockers tested were not any more effective than a traditional crunch, and some were much less effective," she said.

The study also advises that strong abdominals are important for long-term health, good posture and the alleviation of lower back pain, so if a particular device inspires you, it may be worth it.

Before you phone in the plastic, Henry Williford, an expert with the American College of Sports Medicine, has some advice for evaluating infomercial claims.

"You have to be very careful," he said. "Qualitative terms like improved muscle tone' don't mean anything. In the lab we can measure body fat and body composition, but there's no way to measure muscle tone, so there's no way to evaluate."

He added that there is also no evidence for another claim that suggests people will lose inches.

"They don't have any data. Where do the inches go? They use those kinds of claims a lot," he said. "Then they'll tell people that a low intensity exercise will burn fat. Well, it doesn't matter if you're burning fat or no fat. The important thing is to burn calories."

Williford said a product can be good if it's used correctly but it is the amount of exercise that's important.

"Stay away from gimmicky things," he advises. "Don't trust testimonials by individuals that aren't based in research."

And know what you're buying. Even Williford who is an exercise physiologist and researcher at Auburn University in Montgomery, Alabama, has been burned.

"We did an evaluation of these little exercise balls they were making all kinds of claims about," he said. "So we ordered the ball. But according to the fine print we had also ordered a new DVD every month for a year."

So what is the secret to six-pack abs as seen on TV? Williford is skeptical.

"A lot of them are photoshopped, to be honest with you," he said.

So FYI: If you see the same model pushing 6 different machine commercials, chances are its junk, because obviously he/she isn't using them or they'd have a house full of 5 different ab rocker, ab rocker pluses etc..

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Is your supermodel diet holding you back?

When talking to people, there's usually a common question I get about training..."what should I eat?"

Most people think if they don't eat that's a quick way to burn calories when in actuality that hurts your results. Sure you might lose some weight at first but what kind of weight? Chances are your losing muscle mass instead of the fat you want to get rid of. How? Simple, your body needs energy to function. Usually it uses your excess calories as the energy. Now if you stop eating, your body holds those calories and looks for a new sorce of energy, the protien meant to feed your muscles. No protien? Bye bye muscles. Think of it like a bear hibernation in the winter. Their bodies hold onto the fat so they can survive and burns off everything else. Which is why bears get reaaaal fat.

5 small-average sized meals a day is still the way to go. By eating on a regular but moderated basis, you never get overly hungry therefore you don't have the urge to oink out and over-eat later.

Friday, April 02, 2010

3 Reasons Young Athletes should Strength Train

1. Strength is the foundation that speed,
explosiveness and power are built on. 
Take a look around at the top speed and power athletes
in the world and notice that they almost all are
extremely strong, and train with weights.
2. Besides the performance benefits, more muscle
and strength helps you prevent injuries and nagging
pains, so you spend more time in the game, and less
stuck on the sidelines.
3. Weight training supercharges your metabolism
and can blow away body-fat fast, so if you're a little overweight
or could stand to just drop a couple pounds, lifting weights
is probably the best way to go (besides a sound diet, of
That being said, the common message for athletes
nowadays and getting stronger is to pick a few different
compound movements and stick with them, consistently
adding weight and getting stronger with them.
And while that message is great (and I eschew it all
the time to clients and subscribers), it's a little too simple
for those that are truly serious about their athletic careers.
For those who are looking for a detailed, specific plan
to getting stronger fast, read/or ask for one of my programs
which explain step by step.

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