Monday, March 05, 2012

Maximize Your Time Workout

Your legs are easily your biggest muscle group yet you rarely ever ask someone how much they squat. Leg routines burn a ton of calories due to the face most leg exercises use other muscle groups (not counting machines). So here's a leg loaded full body workout you can do at home or at the gym. Use weights heavy enough that your arms get a good workout during the upper body and combination exercises while focusing on getting low into the Squats. Also don't forget to sit back during leg exercises with a straight line from knee to ankle and keep your knee behind your toes with your chest out. Do all 3 exercises in the group circuit style for set reps then rest and move to the next group after 30-60 sec.

Group 1) 3 sets of 10
Low Squats, Push Press, Bent Row

Group 2) 3 sets of 15
Squat to High Pull, Front Squat, RDL

Group 3) 3 sets of 10 (10 each Leg/Arm)
Lunge, Push Up, Renegade Row

Group 4) 3 sets of 12
Feet Elevated Hip Bridge, V-Up, Russian Twist

Remember form is key here so focus, activate your glutes and shed some fat


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