Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bron Brief: Kill Your Lacks

No its not a typo of my trying to say Lats. 2 Common excuses for not working out are known as the 2 lacks. Lack of money and Lack of time. Money is the tougher of the 2 to fix but I'm sure if you sat down and wrote out what you spent money on in a week you'd see plenty of things that could be redirected towards your health goals. As for time, this ones easy. Everyone says they can't train or get to the gym because of time at one point or another. So try this out. For one day, schedule a time to workout, and then MAKE SURE you do it. Even if you can only exercise 10-15 minutes, get it done. At the end of the day, ask yourself if you were any less productive throughout the day than usual. The answer will probably be a no and one of your two main lacks will be gone.

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.


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