Thursday, March 08, 2012

Fitness Profile: Sheri Koepsel

When you bring up the topic of women's body building to your average woman, the reaction could go either way. Some automatically assume that everyone who participates looks like Chyna from the WWE (not to be confused with Chloe Kardashian, thank you Maronzio) and that their just naturally juiced big amazons. Others appreciate the time and effort put in by these women to hone their craft and reach the apex of their body. On a good note, over time the trend is shifting more towards the latter. Women's Body Building has slowly evolved into Women's Physique and Fitness, showing off a more slender and sexy aspect while still being well...ripped and badass. The current peoples champ, Dana Linn Bailey has opened the eyes of a lot of people and helped open the doors for many new up and comers as well. Through my constant networking and Mark Zuckerberg's genius, a while back I came across one of those up and comers by the name Sheri Koepsel out of Milwaukee. For those of you who don't know Sheri your missing out. A total ball of energy, who along with being a NPC Competitor,winning 2nd place at the 2011 Badger State Figure show, also holds the title of certified personal trainer and model under her belt. No matter if its through wild facebook status' or spur of the moment walking lunge youtube video's you can see Sheri Koepsel loves what she does. So of course when time came around for my next fitness profile, I hit up Sheri for a interview.

Bron: Hey Sheri how are you, so to just jump right in, what made you get started?

Sheri: I took a weight training class as a senior in high school and i kinda liked it, but i didn't REALLY seriously start working out till i became a hooters girl and had to look good in those damn lil shorts-haha. a little later, i dated a guy who played for the brewers and his best friend was Phil Falco, brewers strength and conditioning coach...and the two of them encouraged me to pursue a career in training.  they taught me A LOT...and the passion ignited and grew from there!!

Bron: Have you been athletic all your life?

SheriNot really. My brother was the athletic one of the 2 of us.  I TRIED, but i really wasn't good at anything!

Bron: What would you say you love most about what you do?

Sheri: So many things...seeing how happy people are when I push them passed their expectations of themselves...(on the PT end) a competitor, i love pushing MYSELF beyond my limits and seeing the changes i can force my body to make!  it feels amazing to finally show it all off onstage!

Bron: Did you have an idol growing up and do you have one now? (I already know it's Dana lol)

Sheri: hahahahahah YEP, my bodybuilding idol right now is Dana Linn Bailey!!! She's amazing! growing up, my idol was Madonna!  She always blew me away w/ her work ethic and talent and balls!...and she has some guns too!!!:)

BronWhat would you say are your goals at this point?

Sheri: I will win my next 3 shows and I WILL get my pro card:)  I also want to own my own training facility!!! i run my own business now, but i don't have MY OWN PLACE, ya know?  That's what I'd love!

Bron Ha well that leads right into my next question, at this rate where do you see yourself in 5 years?

SheriI have no idea where I will be in 5 yrs!!! Still training awesome clients and total world domination, i assume ;)

Bron How many days a week do you train, outside of your world domination that is?

Sheri: 6 and since I am 7 weeks out right now (of competition), I work out multiple times a day.

Bron That's pretty tough, what type of training style do you follow? Body builder? Circuit? Etc ?

Sheri: Mostly bodybuilder style splits....w/ some "death circuits" sprinkled in to spice it up and lean my ass out!

Bron Along side that, in your opinion how important is nutrition with what you do?

Sheri: It's a necessity. very important.  If you work out like a freak and eat like may manage to look OK, but you could be 200x better w/ proper nutrition!

Bron Yeah I think alot of people overlook how their food effects them. Do you have a cheat that you just can't resist?

Sheri: Peanut butter!!!......twizzlers.  pizza.

Bron I'm a peanut butter junkie myself so respect. How many times a day do you eat? Or better yet what is your diet like?

Sheri I eat about 5x a day.  Small meals.  mostly chicken, tilapia/cod/tuna...sometimes turkey burgers....spinach/asparagus/broccoli...and brown rice.  oh!  and I would die w/o my morning oatmeal!!!

Bron Are you big on supplements? And if so what kind? Maybe we can sneak you an endorsement out of this.

Sheri Yes.  I am a walking supp store. Syntha 6 pb /choco for protein, roxylean for fatburner, and chained out amino's during my fasted cardio...also, a liquid multi, zma at night...and melatonin. I take tons of shit....LOL

Bron Ha yeah you defiantly deserve an endorsement. As a trainer, how has competing also, changed your life?

Sheri: My competition COMPLETELY changed my life.  It turned me into a different person w/ completely different view points.  I focused, I conquered something I never thought I could do!  And it made me feel AMAZING! It gave me a purpose.

Bron What's one piece of advice you would give women trying to get where you are?

Sheri: Just do it. Lose the excuses and focus in on a goal.  Picture what you want and do whatever it takes to get you there.  Visualization REALLY helps. 

Bron I couldn't have said it better. So do you have a website or contact info potential clients and fans can reach you at?


Bron: And finally any famous last words for people reading this?

Sheri: Never give up--never quit. anything you want is possible if you are WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORK!!! you control your destiny

Bron: Thanks for taking the time with me to do this interview Sheri. Good luck on your business, training and most importantly that world domination.

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.


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