Friday, March 30, 2012

Bron Brief: Chest Like Ken, Legs Like Barbie?

Go into any gym in probably the US and you'll see tons of guys doing chest and arms. From time to time you'll get a sprinkle of people doing legs but its rare and the ones who do are usually doing them wrong. Women do legs 24/7 but most tend to just sit on machines and open/close for 20 minutes then throw in a few kickbacks. Heck I've seen guys hold up the squat rack for a hour just to crank out some bicep curls. Why is this you ask? Because its hard to show of your leg muscles on a regular basis and...leg training IS HARD!!

Body transformation doesn't come easy especially with hated leg training. But then who loves training legs. If you are doing it properly it is the most painful session there is. Legs never hurt just for a day afterwards – it always lasts into the week. And its usually after you think you've recovered and can go do something that they creep up on you in that "oh no, your not walking up stairs yet" pain. But your legs and glutes are the biggest and strongest muscles in your body so you must train them hard to get bigger and leaner everywhere else. So many men ignore legs because they want big arms, but pushing your lower body to the limit will transform your upper body faster than anything else thanks to a big growth-hormone response. Not to mention the whole "I have bad knees" speech can usually be fixed just by someone correcting you form and strengthening the muscles in your knees.

Focus on your big lifts such as barbell and dumbbell squats, followed by some accessory single leg moves like lunges and step ups to work out any imbalance issues (no one wants one big strong crab type leg and one little one). Once you have a strength base throw in a few plyometrics (jump exercises like squat jumps). As with any other lift quality over quantity and slowly progress. Then you can be like the rest of us mumbling as we wait for captain calf raise to get out the squat rack.

"The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become."


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