Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exercise to a healthy relationship

Lifestyle choices have a massive impact on how happy you are in a relationship — and let’s be honest, we all have bad days, but if your bad days are starting to outnumber your good days then it may be time to do something about itHeSs trainers we often speak about eating healthy foods and enjoying regular exercise but it all comes hand in hand with how good we feel about ourselves which in turn affects how happy we are.

Get regular exercise

Simple as that. Buy some comfortable workout clothes, start following some videos, and make an effort to get your body moving more. The more active you get, the better you will look and the better you will feel — and if you want an excuse to get intimate with your partner then this one is ideal!

Eat healthily

I know, I know, it’s an obvious one to point out but a constant thrashing of fatty and salty foods can actually make you depressed. Research shows that obese people are 25% more likely to suffer from depression and eating foods that stave off depression and make you feel good are ideal. We often take out our anger on those closest to us, but some of this can be avoided with a little healthy eating — so next time you feel like whacking your partner over the head with a carrot; eat it instead!

Zzzzzzz’s – Get some sleep!

And no I don’t mean go to bed after a fight to sleep it off — I mean get some sleep! Studies show that sleep deprivation causes couples to argue more than any other factor, as people who struggle to sleep are often worried about problems, which, combined with a lack of sleep, can quickly get blown well out of proportion. We all get moody when we are tired but the better you eat and the more you exercise, the easier you will find it to get a good night’s sleep…

Fact: Your partner is often at the brunt of your bad moods
Fiction: You can’t do anything about your bad moods
It’s all entwined — if you exercise well, eat healthily and live an active lifestyle then you will be all-around far happier and far more confident in your relationship. Try it and see!


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