Thursday, May 20, 2010

7 ways to lighten up your snacks

Summer saving calorie tips:

1) KICK IT UP; swap that handful of tortilla chips and guacamole for baked pita chips and salsa. Pita chips have more protein and half the fat.

2) SKIP THE WHIP; skip adding whip cream on top of your iced coffees. Instead sprinkle vanilla or chocolate powder.

3) GREEN UP YOUR SMOOTHIE; even though smoothies are usually good for you, they often pack a ton of calories. try blending zero calorie green tea rather than the low fat skim milk. Cut calories and get a extra little caffeine jolt.

4) PICK UP FRUIT POPS; if you want a cold treat, choose all fruit frozen pops instead of the sugar added variety. The 100% ones (coconut, mango, or pomegranate) will taste better and won't have the overly sweet after taste.

5) SUBSTITUTE YOUR SWEET; peach pie à la mode is synonymous with summer, but fresh peaches with a scoop of fat free frozen yogurt will save you calories big time.

6) TURN UP THE HEAR; dust some cayenne powder on high-cal sides like potato salads, and you'll eat less. The spice boost flavor and actually curbs your appetite.

7) TRY THIS CHEAT; instead of serving pigs in a blanket, wrap thinly sliced prosciutto around bite size pieces of cantaloupe and secure with a toothpick. You will cut carbs, have a leaner cut, and hit all your daily vitamin A and C needs.


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