Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Terry Crews Workout Equipment Spoof

We've all seen how ridiculous some commercials are for exercise equipment these days. Some 300lb ripped guy struggling to do a basic push up or crunch and then breezing through them thanks to the new handy dandy equipment. While their funny to those of us who know they don't work, some people actually believe them and waste hundreds of dollars buying into them. Sure they ignore the fact that this machine only works the triceps yet this guy is a world class body builder but whatever motivates you I guess. Well recently former NFL player turned actor Terry Crews decided to take it upon himself to show just how crazy some of these commercials actually seem during his muscle and fitness interview. Its just a spoof so don't jump to your credit cards if you think this might work for you...instead slap yourself..

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.


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