Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From Gut to Greeeatt

Now everyone looks for that golden pill that will do all the hard work for them. Sorry if thats what you came here looking for but thats not the case. Fredrick Douglas said himself without struggle there is no progress and with these 10 tips maybe your struggle can be a little easier. You have probably heard most of these before but now its up to you to get off your butt and do them.

10. Take Measurements

You'll never reach your destination if you don't know your starting point. A great place to begin is calculating your body-fat percentage or at least body part circumference.
This will allow you to set accurate goals and measure progress. Don't just rely on the scale or your Wii BMI (which doesn't include muscle ratio). The more information you have on your body, the better you will be able to see and analyze your progress.

9. Eat 5-6 Meals A Day

You've probably heard this countless times before but it just can't be stressed enough. Eating 5-6 meals containing protein,carbohydrates and healthy fat each day is key, regardless of your training goals.
To begin, if you are looking to drop some body fat, then eating more often allows you to better manage your insulin levels for increased fat burning. Controlling insulin levels when dieting is critical as insulin is the body's most potent blocker of lipolysis (i.e. liberation of stored fat to be used as energy).Purposefully spreading the traditional "three square meals" into 5-6 smaller meals will allow you to increase your fat burning ability while at the same time providing your body with same nutrients.

8. Train With Weights 3-4 Times A Week

Most guys know this but most women fear it. "If i touch a weight I instantly look like a dude". Wrong! Lifting weights is an essential part of developing a lean physique. Not only will weight training boost you metabolic rate for extended periods of time, it will help you build muscle (which will allow you to burn more calories just sitting around!).
Let's say you love lifting weights. You might ask, "Why just 3-4 times a week? Professional bodybuilders lift 5-6 days a week double sessions!"
When you are dieting, you are in a calorie deficient state. This in itself will put your body in a compromised position where you will have limited recovery capabilities. 3-4 sessions of intense training sessions are perfect for most people to stimulate their muscles and metabolism without beating themselves into the ground (or worse a state overtraining).

7. Don't Overdue The Cardio

A lot of people go cardio crazy (ahem ladies) when trying to lose bodyfat. The days of getting on the bike or treadmill for 40-60 minutes 5-6 times a week are done! If burning bodyfat and building muscle/toning is your goal, shorter more intense interval based cardio sessions are the way to go.

6. Plan Your Meals The Night Before

This one has made all the difference in my personal fitness journey. Not only does it make eating multiple meals a day easier, but it changes your focus during the day from creating a nutrition plan to executing one.
You have enough going on during the day that you don't need to be worrying about where your next meal will come from and how you can make it fit perfectly into your plan. Eliminate the added stress, plan the night before, and just follow your roadmap during the day.

5. Drink Green Tea

Ever since the FDA put the clamps down on Ephedra, supplement companies have been searching for a replacement. The winner seems to be Green Tea extract. While it is not as effective as Ephedra, it is the best thing most companies have to work with.
The compound within green tea that contains the metabolic enhancing effects is a polyphenol called EGCG. To make a long story short, scientific studies have shown EGCG to produce a thermogenic effect (increased rate at which calories are burned as heat) in the body.
You don't have to supplement with green tea extract either, you can get the same result by simply drinking a pot of green tea each day (3-5 cups). In addition, green tea is a great substitute and much better for you than diet soft drinks.
But remember green tea is naturally caffeinated which is perfect. Mother Nature knows best right?)

4. Get Rid Of Bad Friends And Bad Food

Don't let your environment sabotage your weight loss efforts. If you are trying to eat healthy foods you can not have the freezer stocked with Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and the cupboards full of BBQ potato chips.
Find people that are supportive of your fitness goals and the behaviors that they require.

3. Drink Lots Of Water.

Water is essential to life and a healthy body. Dehydration will wreak havoc on you and your fitness goals. If you are dehydrated your body cannot function at its optimal level. For example, your muscles will lose strength, you won't burn fat as quickly, and you'll feel tired and fatigued.

2. Take Time Off To Rest And Recover

Fat loss training and dieting is mentally draining. That is why you need to take extra care of yourself. Extra stretching and foam rolling, epson salt baths, going to bed an hour early, and/or taking a magnesium supplement prior to bed are all simple ways that you can help accelerate your recovery (and progress).
One of my favorite sayings is: "Physiology trumps diet." This means that if your body chemistry and physiology is off, you won't be able to maximize your fat loss. Trying to lose weight is no excuse for being unhealthy and it will in fact hinder your progress. Rest, and you'll lose more weight.

1. Read the first 9 Rules AMD DO THEM

It is important that you realize that the statement "Knowledge is Power" is false! Applied knowledge with passion and consistent persistence is power! The chances are you know everything that you have to do to achieve your best body but you're not applying your knowledge.
Why? I don't know; we all have our reasons. What's your reason? Whatever it is ... get over it! Dare to be amazing! Achieve your best body!
The key is application! Don't pick and choose which of the 10 things you are going to apply to your life and then complain when you don't receive the results you want.
The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.


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