Friday, November 04, 2011

Sample Weight Gaining Diet for Hard Gainers

This diet isn't for everyone, but if you are the kind of person who has always been very light and lean and are looking to put on some muscle then this is a good way to go about it, as your body won't store fat very easily.

GOALS: Gain Muscle

FOODS NEEDED: Basically anything in sight, but you'll be making extensive use of semi skimmed/ skimmed milk, and meat sources.

CALORIES: As many as possible until you are gaining weight regularly 1-2 lbs a week.

FAT 30%


Meal 1) Bacon, Eggs, Toast, Glass of Milk

Meal 2) Meat Sandwich (chicken, beef, pork) with a Glass of Milk

Meal 3) Any meal available with a large serving of meat

Meal 4) Meat Sandwich/ Piece of Fruit (depending on appetite) and a drink

Meal 5) Any meal available with a large serving of meat.

Meal 6) Meat Sandwich/ Piece of Fruit (depending on appetite) and a drink

As you can see this is somewhat of the famous see-food diet. As in if you see food, eat it, almost anything goes. A good suggestion to make sure you don't put on too much fat with this diet is to monitor your weight daily. If you gain much more than 1-2lbs a week, try to maintain that for the rest of the week. Make sure you are lifting weights regularly with this diet to make sure your adding the muscle which is the maim goal of the diet.


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