Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A Bron Brief:Stair Push Ups

Push Ups...probably one of the easiest test of overall body weight strength for beginners. Chances are if a person can do a lot of push ups with legit form..their probably in shape. The only issue is most people can't do many and get so discouraged that they give up on doing them and just jump to machines or weights IGNORING how important push ups are to muscle balance and stability. Body weight exercises like push ups build the muscle around your joints that get you ready for heavy exercises so skipping them can slow your progress and lead to injury. So how do we improve your push up skill when you can only do 5 or 6 now? simple...do them on stairs..

Now I'm not talking old people push ups where your standing (while those are OK too). I mean start in a normal push up position at the bottom of a flight of steps. Do as many push ups as you can. When your muscles are too fatigued to do more, go up one step and do as many as you can do. Rinse and repeat. You should probably get about 4 steps and almost be standing before your arms and chest shut down.

The purpose of this is as you get tired and go up a step, the angle makes other muscle have to kick in and it makes the pushup easier since your body weight is distributed differently so it lets you pump out a few more reps in a EXTENDED SET. By the 4th stair they should all be fried and you rest. Eventually you'll start seeing the extra strength and endurance during your regular push ups.

This also works well if your just looking for a quick pump. I do them sometimes before I go out because you know girls love the pipes lol Keep training and remember train SMARTER and HARDER

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.


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