Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Most people will agree that there is more weight loss and fitness information today but there is also more and more people that are getting even more confused about proper nutrition.  Each diet contradicts with one another.  I know it can get very confusing.  

I will provide you with a great guideline to help you lose weight.  Let me simplify it for you and all you have to do is follow these guidelines and lose the pounds like young celebs lose their underwear.

Rule #1: Eat smaller meals through out day. 

Ideally, try to eat every 3- 31/2 hours of a smaller meal everyday.  Not only will you feel less hungry but it will help boost your metabolism by constantly supplying your body with the adequate amount of ?nergy.?nbsp; Stay away from eating 3 larger meals and start eating smaller meals through out the day.    

Rule#2: Consume enough high quality protein every day. 

Protein (such as chicken) has a high thermic effect than carbs and fat.  What does it mean to you?  Your body has to burn extra calories to break down your protein into smaller amino acids.  Plus, it will keep you satisfied a lot longer compared to carbs.  In addition, protein is needed to build and maintain lean muscle.

Rule#3: Consume 25-35 grams of fiber a day

Your carbohydrates should be mostly high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruit, and high fiber unrefined grains.  Fiber in your food absorbs water causing it to expand in your stomach and therefore making you feel more satisfied for a longer time.  In addition, high fiber food will also control your blood sugar level; therefore, allowing you to release more body fat.

Rule#4: Avoid refined sugars and refined grains.

One of the biggest reasons why we are so overweight is because of the amount of sugar intake that we consume every year (Yes. That means to put your soda down).  High sugary food/drink intake can cause your blood sugar to spike up causing you body to stop producing another hormone called glucagon.  Glucagon is a releasing hormone that is responsible for releasing body fat to be utilized as energy.  However, when you consume too much sugar, your glucagon production is discontinued. 

Rule#5:  Consume an adequate amount of fat.

When I say fat, I meant the healthy kind of fat such as nuts and seeds, nut butters, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, virgin coconut oil, and avocados.  Depleting yourself with the healthy fat can negatively affect your hormone levels that will only result to more cravings. 

In addition, you want to limit the unhealthy fat (saturated fat) such as butter, margarine, and the fat around your steak.  Avoid hydrogenated fat at all costs as they cause more harm than good.

Rule#6:  Keep yourself hydrated all day;

It is crucial to keep yourself hydrated especially while working out.  Try to drink .6 - .7 ounces per pound of body weight.  We are made up of mostly water and a slight decrease in your body fluid level can affect your exercise performance.  My number one rule in regards to water:  If you are thirsty, you are also dehydrated.  Do NOT wait until you are thirsty. 

I am not a nutritionist and I do NOT claim to know everything.  However, I?e spent over 7 years of my life studying how the body functions.  These are just the general guidelines that I use for myself. 

Below is a chart that I made for you.  These are my basic meals.  In each meal, I consume a lean protein (i.e chicken breast), Starch Carbs (i.e brown rice), and fibrous carbs (i.e. broccoli).

Lean Proteins

Eggs Whites    Chicken breast    Tuna
Shrimp    Grouper    Mahi-mahi
Cod    Salmon    Swordfish
Lobster    Shellfish    Sushi/ sashimi
Halibut    Marlin    Cobia
Wahoo    Tofu (Soy)     

Starchy Carbs

Potato    Cream of Rice Cereal    Corn
Brown rice    Tomato    Jasmine Rice
Sweet potato    Basmati rice    Peas
Couscous    Oatmeal    Corn tortillas

Fibrous Carbs

Broccoli    Onions    Cauliflower
Asparagus    Carrots    Spinach
Green peppers    String beans    Yellow peppers
Cucumbers    Red peppers    Celery
Mushrooms    Jerusalem artichoke     

Sample Menu  #1

Meal # 1
2 egg whites
1.5 Cup high fiber (low sugar) cereal
? cup milk
? cup cranberry juice

Meal # 2
1 ounce of Almonds
1 medium Orange

Meal # 3

3 ounces Chicken Breast
1 cup of mixed vegetables
1 Large Apple

Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)

1 Banana
1 scoop protein powder
(22grams protein, 5g
carbs, 1 g fat)

Meal #5

? cup of brown rice
? cup Asparagus
3 ounces Turkey Breast or Salmon
1.5 cups lettuce
2 tsps olive oil dressing

Sample Menu  #2

Meal # 1
6 egg whites
? cup oatmeal (measured dry uncooked)
1 small orange

Meal # 2
1 ounce of Almonds
1 medium skim milk

Meal # 3
4 ounces Turkey Breast
2 ounce sweet potato

Meal # 4 (My post workout meal)
? banana
2 scoops protein powder

Meal # 5
? cup Spinach
Medium tomato
1.5 cups lettuce
4 ounces Chicken Breast or Tuna
2 tsps olive oil dressing


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