Friday, August 05, 2011

More Diets YAYY

In all my years of training (8 to be exact) it never ceases to amaze me just how many people don't understand the effect of diet while exercising. So many people give the "I don't get it, i work out 24/7 but the scale isn't showing it" response and usually all you have to ask are your eatting habits..

So in order to one again do my job and make it easier for all of you reach your goals in a healthy and safe way, hears another diet to compliment your workout routines. Now before we get started, reminder, most diets are not to be done full time. Unless your turning vegan or something do it for a week or 2, see how your body handles it and guage from there. This one is to be done for 2 weeks..yes 14 days straight folks, no cheating, and see your results and let me know.


For breakfast each day: 1 grapefuit, 4oz low fat yogurt and 1 slice of ham.

For mixed greens you may use salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice, but NO dressings.

Day 1:
Lunch: 1 steak, tomatoes, coffee or tea
Dinner: Turkey or chicken cultet, mixed greens, 1 toast, grapefruit, tea.

Day 2:
Lunch: 1 beef patty, 1 grapefruit
Dinner: 1 steak, tomatoes, mixed greens, celery, olives, cucumbers, tea

Day 3:
Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach, tomatoes, tea
Dinner: 1 cutlet (pork), cottage cheese or yogurt (fat free), cabbage, 1 toast, tea

Day 4:
Lunch: 1 turkey, chicken or veal cutlet, spinach, tomatoes, tea
Dinner: 2 lamb cutlets, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, tea

Day 5:
Lunch: 1 filet mignon, spinach, tea
Dinner: fish, salad, 1 toast, tea

Day 6:
Lunch:  fruit salad - as much as you want
Dinner: 1 steak, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, tea

Day 7:
Lunch: grilled or roasted chicken, tomatoes, grapefruit
Dinner: 1 steak, tomatoes, cucumbers, tea

I will post week 2 in a few days. Now big KEY FACT, just like with workouts, I can give you the best diet but its up to you to use it properly. Follow it best as possible. Sure you can modify it alittle here and there but the general diet idea needs to stay that same. Also, eat in moderation, even a healthy food can make you put on weight if you eat 50 pounds of it in one sitting. Take your time, enjoy the meal and be health.


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