Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bron Brief: The Best Damn Abs

"Beach body" programs are all I've been asked for lately. Summers coming around so everyone is rushing to the gym hoping to kill it for one month and look like a underwear model. While I've already stated in numerous blogs why that won't work, I'm sure everyone is still going to try. Step one, the washboard abs. 
Hopefully by now you know, your abs/core, are more than just 100 crunches a night. If your already ripped and 5% body fat that might help but for the average Joe they rely more on diet and cardio. Once your body fat is low enough that your abs start to show is when you should focus on banging out the sit ups. Now here's the fun part....there are MILLIONS of different ab exercises, and not all exercises are created alike. You can do your little Pilate's flutters, your MMA dragon flies, athlete weighted crunches or your old man machine abs. I could literally keep going for days but you get the point, there's a lot. That's a goo thing too since your core works best off variety to work every section ( Upper, Lower, Obliques, Lower Back).
So with this short Bron Brief I'm going to save you some time and list a few of the most effective abs exercises to save you time with the most bang for your buck. Just remember this: people are different, but not that different. What's true for me is probably true for you so test them out and see which ones work best for your goals. Lastly, good form, a natural tempo, and a full range of motion are important as always. Now that the pre-flight safety announcement list of warnings is over, let's get to it.

Throw a couple of these in your workout or make your own ab workout with all of them. Either way just kill your abdominal, obliques, and lower back. Enjoy! You should know most but if not feel free to comment and ask:

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.


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