Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Exercises to Reduce Shoulder Pain and Prevent Injury

Exercises to Reduce Shoulder Pain and Prevent Injury

Another article for anyone with shoulder pain or tightness.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Basketball Plyometrics Exercises

Basketball Plyometrics Exercises

Another article by yours truely on Stack.com. This one focus' on getting your vertical up and getting some hops. Check it out and share if you like.
The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Become a Better Point Guard Part 1

How to Become a Better Point Guard Part 1

My first article with Stack Magazine focusing on developing point guard skill. Take a look and "pass" it on to your friend or that kid at the gym who just doesn't get it.

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tale of the Tape: Is Lebron the Anti Shaq?

Now I could easily start this off joking how of course Lebron is the anti Shaq since Shaq has rings and Lebron..well you understand. But that's not what this article is about. Throughout Shaquille O'neals career, he was called for little fouls on other players but drastic fouls on him were ignored. The refs reasoning was that Shaq was so big it was hard to tell when a foul really occurred because he can power through most. The same is said for Dwight Howard now days.

As for Lebron, he seems to get the exact opposite effect. Regarded as the prime physical specimen in NBA history by some based on his size and athletic ability, Lebron gets ALOT of calls. On offense a good amount of Lebron's game revolves around initiating contact and finishing at the rim. Yet unlike Shaq and Dwight, even with his size advantage, Lebron gets foul calls in his favor. Some could say its because he is a bigger star than Dwight, but bigger than The Big Aristotle? I think not.

Defense was no different as last nights OKC/Heat game. On the last play of the game for OKC, down by 2, Lebron blatantly fouled Durant. Had it been anyone else, a call would have been made. Could Durant have still made the shot? Sure, but the foul or non call of one changed the game.

Should players be penalized for being bigger than their competition? And if so why doesn't Lebron seem to have the same area? Not to say Lebron never really gets fouled but the calls in his favor are sometimes BIGGER than the game..

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Bron Brief: Fasted Cardio

Want to burn a few quick extra calories? Get into the habit of doing 15 minutes of fasted cardio (cardio on an empty stomach) every morning, and watch your body start to change shape. When you work through a short workout on an empty stomach, you’re using stored fat for energy. If you eat breakfast and then do cardio, you’re only burning off some of the food you just consumed. These workouts can be intense but you should never look to push yourself to the point of feeling light headed.Work out  harder, AND Smarter.

The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bron Brief: The Best Damn Abs

"Beach body" programs are all I've been asked for lately. Summers coming around so everyone is rushing to the gym hoping to kill it for one month and look like a underwear model. While I've already stated in numerous blogs why that won't work, I'm sure everyone is still going to try. Step one, the washboard abs. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bron Brief: Toning is More than Cardio

If I asked someone to describe the average woman workout at your basic gym, how would it go? Probably something like; 30 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes on the elliptical, some machine crunches, few reps on the abductor machine, and another 15 minutes on the stair stepper if your bad ass. Sure your tired after and feel like you should be dropping pounds but did you do enough? The answer is no!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chocolate Dipped Banana Chunks

Another easy to make snack that won't kill your diet but also won't have you going cold turkey on good tasting things while trying to lose weight. Put 2 tablespoons of semi sweet chocolate chips in a bowl and microwave for 1 minute or until it melts. Cut a banana into 1 inch chunks and dip them halfway into the chocolate fondue style. Eat it right away or freeze it for a snack.
Serving:1 Banana
Fat: 7grams
Cholesterol: 0mg
Protein: 2g
Carbohydrates: 36g
Sugars: 24g
Fiber: 4g
Sodium: 0mg

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Athlete Profile: Jennifer Austin

"Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident." While not 100% accurate,that line from the cult classic movie "Anchorman" was pretty much the general idea I had about Javelins when I joined freshman track in high school. Suit up, throw an awesome spear thing at someone, sit back down, get a medal. You could imagine my dismay when not only was there more to it, I was actually BAD AT IT. Though it looks simple enough, throwing a Javelin takes a lot more technique than just raw athletic ability or arm strength. So sadly my dreams of being the next Achilles or throwing a spear and kicking someone in a giant hole Greek mythology style lasted one full day. For the athletes lucky enough to even be good at it, avenues to show off that talent are pretty limited. Sure you can do it throughout high school and maybe college but like most sports the road ends there...unless you are elite. Once you are elite, a whole new door opens up with the possibility of competing in the Olympics. With the 2012 Olympics coming up, today I bring you Olympic track and field hopeful Jennifer Austin. If the last name sounds familiar she is the older sister of Dallas Cowboys receiver Miles Austin. The original Austin athlete, Jen, is a former Big East champion in Javelin and now has her eyes set on the 2012 Olympics trails. Like anyone else who knows the Austin family, being dedicated and a hard worker is just in their blood. Apparently, so does being a top notch athlete, although their father, Miles Austin II, hacks in basketball  (don't tell him I said that).Without further ado, Jennifer Austin.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Single Best Cheap Secret

Ready for it?...
It's water! Yes everyone knows drinking water can do wonders for your waist but did you know drinking 16 ounces before every meal could help you lose up to 5lbs?
But to some people water is boring so spice it up.. Drop fruit or berries in your water to give it some zest without extra calories or sugar. Eat more fruits filled with water like oranges and apples (they both lower your bmi) or go body builder style, get a jug or water bottle and keep it with you at all times.

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