Sunday, January 22, 2012

KettleBell HIIT: Not just for crossfitting

We've all seen kettle bells before, the look like cannon balls with handles. And as trendy as they've become (most spa gyms have a few now) they have actually been around for years. Thanks to things like cross-fit everyone started wanting to use kettle bells because they think it makes them look hardcore only to find out just how great they work. Combine that with some Tabata style 30 second on 10 second off circuits and you have a full blown fat burning workout in a few short minutes.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Change your "Fatty" habits

If your eating when bored or when glued to the type, you're not helping yourself. Here are five ways to control your worst eating habits.

1) LOSING CONTROL WITH FRIENDS: If you're hanging at your house, spread out some baked chips and salsa. If you're a guest, bring some. I personally fall in the habit of buying tons of pizza when my teammates come over. Opt for chicken tenders instead of wings as a side. They've got more protein and hold the barbecue flavor. When you've almost had enough to eat, reach for a piece of gum.

2) LATE NIGHT SNACKING IN FRONT OF THE TV: If you must munch, prepare smaller plates and eat only at the kitchen table, not the couch. (DVR your show.) Also buy individual-size portions of your favorite snack foods and stash them in the back of the cupboard or fridge. The harder it is to get at the food, the less likely you are to inhale it.

3) CRAVING JUNK FOOD AT THE OFFICE: Stay on a regular eating schedule. Bring your own healthy lunch and snacks, like nuts or fruit. For work lunches, set the tone by ordering first, selecting a salad or soup to start followed by a lower calorie entree. And just say no to the bread basket.

4) STUFFING YOURSELF AT FAMILY DINNERS: Break with tradition. Bring a low-cal dish but don't make it too healthy or it will attract unwanted critiques. Pile on your own plate with veggies, then take only small portions that you really love. If your relatives get on your back for not eating as much as you "should" ask for a doggie bag.

5) PIGGING OUT AFTER WORKOUTS: Eat something before hand. A combination of protein and carbs will prevent blood sugar from dipping so low that your tempted to eat more calories than you burned off. A slice of whole-wheat bread with all-natural peanut butter and a banana is one great pre workout option.

Now stop oinking and get training

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