Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Athlete Profile: Myree "Reemix" Bowden

Vince Carter..Josh Smith..Nate Robinson..Gerald Green..Dwight Howard..Jason Richardson..Blake Griffin..I'd ask you what all these names have in common but you've probably already figured it out. Each person here has shown they have the athletic ability, creativity and in some cases put their name on the line to win the NBA DUNK CONTEST. Although recent contests have left some to believe that maybe the NBA doesn't hold the best dunkers in the world anymore. Today I got to interview one of the people making that claim look realistic. Enter Myree Bowden aka The Reemix.

Now for those of you without YouTube, TV, or have just been living under a rock the last few years Myree Bowden is the real deal. He first jumped onto the national scene (jumped on the scene...see what i did there) at the 2004 NCAA Dunk contest. Going against big names from big schools (Myree went to Pacific) like Andre Emmett from Texas Tech and Julius Page from Pitt, no one really knew much about the 6'2 guard. That quickly changed after Myree dazzled the crowd with an array of dunks. While Andre ended up winning in what some would call a "questionable" win, Myree had brought it to the big stage and since then the sky has been the limit. I was lucky enough to get to know Myree during our time at SLAMBALL rookie training camp in 2009 and since then there's almost never a dunk contest you can't find him at. Now for your reading pleasure, Myree"Reemix"Bowden.
Bron: For those who don't know you, how would explain your athletic back-round to someone?

Myree: I have always been athletic.  My mother and father ran track, I just so happen to enjoy basketball.  I enhanced my athletic ability when I hooked up with my strength and conditioning coach Todd Smith who now works with Marquette.

Bron: On city slam you we're known as the Reemix how did you get your nickname?

Myree: Honestly it had nothing to do with basketball.  I got my degree in mass communication and messed around with the turn tables for the college radio station.  It was the Myree mix hour...  It stuck I guess.. (laughs)

Bron: Ha, even I didn't know that, see you learn something every day. So how has your life changed since becoming a household name?

Myree: My Life hasn't change, that's the key to success.  I still pray every night and count my blessings and give God the glory and the praise.  (laughs) House hold name... you got me sounding like Sharp, or Canon (laughs)

Bron: What is your favorite personal dunk moment? I'm sure you have a lot.

Myree: My favorite Dunk moment was back in 2008 being able to dunk for the a correctional facility and had the youngsta come up to me and tell me they want to do something with their lives similar to me... That's when I realized dunking was bigger than my fame and recognition... It changes lives!

Bron: Wow, yeah that's big. Most people wouldn't even think its as moving as it is. OK so who was your favorite dunker or inspiration growing up?

Myree: Growing up I had many inspirations, but one that stood out was my big bro Reggie Phillips.  Man you think I was able to jump high this guy was jumping out of the gym way before YouTube put its stamp on things...  He played for the Harlem Globetrotters etc... Bakersfield's finest.

Bron:  I Hear that and shout out to the Regulator. After going to a relatively small D1 school and turning it into where you are now, what would you tell kids thinking they can't make it from where they are?

Myree: I would tell the kids what was told to me:  It's not where you are at, it's what you do while you are there.  I was recruited to the Harlem globetrotters on my break working as a front desk monitor for 24 hour fitness.  I just so happen to dunk on a guy so bad his boy was a scout for the team...

Bron: I swear all us (athletes) somehow end up at 24 Hour Fitness working (laughs) If you could dunk against anyone past or present who would It be?

Myree: I would go head to head with Michael Jordan... The Best!  Many people shy away from the best.  But if you wanna be great you have to go where the greatest is.

Bron: Okay the million dollar question that anyone with hops is asked every day.....what do you think is best for increasing your vert? 

Myree: Pray and have faith!  you have to believe in yourself.  Physically Squats and power cleans... I am addicted to power cleans (laughs)

Bron: Between you and me, power cleans are crazy effective but you regret them the next day (laughs). When was your first dunk?

Myree: My first dunk was at the age of 13.  I would work on it with jump squats, ankle weights,  what ever i could get my hands on.  And once I dunked,  I wanted that feeling all the time...  The feeling of accomplishment.

Bron: What's your go to contest dunk?

Myree: It used to be the off the glass windmill... Now with the difficulty of dunks now days.  I sky over a human prop grabbing the ball out of their extended hand and finishing on the other side of the rim... I like to call it the Reemix (laughs)

Bron: When did you realize you can make a lifestyle out of dunking?

Myree: Dunking is entertainment to the basketball fan.  People pay for entertainment.  But truthfully I used basketball and dunking to open up the doors and connect me to the right people to have an ideal lifestyle...  It's a gift from God and I am making sure it is put into good use.

Bron: So fun fact, your also a teacher, how do your students see you? As Reemix or Mr.Bowden?

Myree: (laughs) My students didn't have the slightest idea of my basketball capabilities in the beginning of school and then once they saw that I was serious about their education and safety I showed them the videos... It works out because they now developed the initial respect and also see that dreams do come true.

Bron: You've already done a lot. City Slam, Slam Ball, Globetrotters, Sprite etc..What's your goals at this point? Be famous? Educate? Etc?

Myree: My goal at this point is to wake up everyday and be in Gods favour... Would I like to be famous and own a NBA franchise... Oh yea!  But as I have learned God has a plan and it might not be exactly the same as your own...

Bron: Hey I'm sure the Bobcats could use some fresh legs (laughs) So do you have any events coming up?

 Myree: Sprite Uncontainable and Slam dunk Showdown...  Check it out Sprite.com  I will be recruiting athletes for both, along with displaying my acrobatic feats across the nation...

Bron: Lastly and possibly most important......when are we going to have a dunk contest that ends with you keeping your shirt on?

Myree: Shirts!!!  We Talking About shirts!!!  Shirts!!! ( in my best Allen Iverson voice) (laughs)

Bron: Ha just figured I'd ask, but thanks again for taking time out to do this man and best of luck with your upcoming events. Everyone remember to check out sprite.com for info and step your Vertical game up...

Myree: Keep God 1st and all your hearts desires will come true
Shout out to my boy Bron... All love bro...

"The important thing is to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we can become."


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