Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sample Alternating Meal Combinations

This style of dieting is an excellent way to put on muscle while not gaining a lot of fat at the same time. It is imperative though that you follow the meal combination rules: Either eat fats and proteins together, with very little carbohydrates, or eat protein and carbohydrates together with very little fat.

GOAL: Gain Muscle

FOODS NEEDED: Oatmeal/porridge, Skimmed Milk, Protein Powders, Wholemeal Breads, Chicken, Turkey, Egg Whites, Fat Free Cheese, Potatoes, Canned Tuna, Canned Salmon, Low Fat Cottage Cheese/Yogurt, Flax Oil/Linseed Oil/ Cod Liver Oil, Multivitamins.

CALORIES: 500 Above Maintenance

FAT 30%


Meal 1) Small serving of Oatmeal with protein powder mixed in

Meal 2) Turkey Sandwich

Meal 3) Grilled Chicken Breast and small serving of Boiled Potatoes

Meal 4) Poached Eggs

Meal 5) Grilled Chicken Breast, one slice of fat free cheese

Meal 6)protein shake with cod liver oil


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