Friday, April 02, 2010

3 Reasons Young Athletes should Strength Train

1. Strength is the foundation that speed,
explosiveness and power are built on. 
Take a look around at the top speed and power athletes
in the world and notice that they almost all are
extremely strong, and train with weights.
2. Besides the performance benefits, more muscle
and strength helps you prevent injuries and nagging
pains, so you spend more time in the game, and less
stuck on the sidelines.
3. Weight training supercharges your metabolism
and can blow away body-fat fast, so if you're a little overweight
or could stand to just drop a couple pounds, lifting weights
is probably the best way to go (besides a sound diet, of
That being said, the common message for athletes
nowadays and getting stronger is to pick a few different
compound movements and stick with them, consistently
adding weight and getting stronger with them.
And while that message is great (and I eschew it all
the time to clients and subscribers), it's a little too simple
for those that are truly serious about their athletic careers.
For those who are looking for a detailed, specific plan
to getting stronger fast, read/or ask for one of my programs
which explain step by step.


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