Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lose 5lbs of fat at home..

No no, this isn't a call to dump you significant other as my friend assumed when I told her about the workout BUT it may still be more beneficial. As the picture shows, 5lbs of solid fat is not something sexy to look at. Think if you could just take something like that off your body for a little hard work and watch what you eat...would it be worth it?
Below is a workout you can do at home that only takes a half hour and with a healthy diet will get you on your way to that 5lb fat loss. SPOILER alert though; the routine is not for the faint of heart. Like most circuit training the goal is to finish as fast as possible but in a safe manner. Rest period time is up to you but take what you need. Sometimes it will only be long enough to catch your breath, other times it might take a full minute. No matter what push yourself and try to improve the speed you finish with each time even if it's only a minute faster. Without further ado here's the workout;

30 Jumping Jacks
5 Push Ups
25 High Knees in Place
7 Burpees/Thrusters
10 Crunches
7 Squats
5 push Ups
10 Crunches
5 Push Up
7 Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
5 Push Ups
25 High Knees in Place
1 Min Wall Sit

Rest, Repeat 2-5 times (5 is for someone in really good shape so don't fret if you can't do that many circuits right out the door, just keep it as a goal.) Also if any exercise seems to easy, like 5 crunches or 7 Squats just add a little weight. No need to be Ronnie Coleman but a 10lb dumbbell or 2 can really burn you out.

And there you have it. Do this three times a week. Clean up your diet by eating 5-6 healthy small meals throughout the day and make sure to rest. Nothing worthwhile comes easy but it is achievable..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

15 ways to burn more fat

1) Stay Hydrated
2) Drink Low-fat Milk
3) Get More Vitamin D
4) Eat Iron Enriched Foods
5) Fight Fat with Fiber
6) Drink Coffee or Tea
7) Eat Breakfast Everyday
8) Eat More Heat (spicy peppers and foods like that speed up metabolism)
9) Drink Cold Water
10) Stand Rather Than Sit
11) Eat Organic
12) Eat More Protein
13) Go To Bed Earlier
14) Don't Starve Yourself, Instead Eat Healthier More Often
15) Take Advantage Of Holidays Like Valentines and Make Sweet Barry White Loving Since Properly Done Sex Burns Around 300 Calories

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